Does Mobile Marketing Matter?

Many business experts today argue that mobile is the future of online marketing. The era of mobile is already here with us and a lot of people are using these mobile devices to surf the web and even make purchases online. If you are in business and you have not implemented this marketing strategy, you might be trailing behind. Research shows that more users are spending most of their time on mobile devices than ever before. This trend is expected to continue into the future.

How does mobile marketing really work?

Mobile marketing is comprised of advertisements, which appear in mobile phones, smart phones, tablets and many other mobile devices. The ad formats, styles and customization can vary from one business to another. Again, different social media platforms offer varied resources for posting these advertisements. Most websites and mobile applications in use today have uniquely tailored mobile advertisement options.

Why do you need a mobile marketing strategy?

According to Wise Branding, 93% of business to business marketers in the modern day use content marketing and 43% of them say that it’s actually working for them.

Content that is available online is now being integrated into the mobile platform and now you can access it through the entire buying cycle. This however will only make sense if a content marketing strategy is documented as being effective. As internet experts say, content is still king for Google and thus it also matters to those using the mobile devices to access the internet.

Interesting mobile marketing statistics;

  • 80% of mobile device time is actually spent on applications
  • People browse 70% more of web pages with the use of tablets than smart phones
  • Retail conversion rates stand at 2.2% for tablets and higher than 0.7% on smart phones but traditional PC conversions are still high. However, mobile marketing might change this trend soon.
  • Mobile searches have increased considerably by 200% over the past two years

How can you make mobile marketing work for you?

For this form of marketing to work for your business, here are some essential considerations to make;

  • Be a story teller and tap into the emotions of your target customers so that you can reach them better
  • Position yourself as a thought leader in your niche, people will want to associate with your business
  • Leverage social currency through sharing contents that people love
  • Ask people to share the content you post
